Allu Arjun’s most anticipated film Pushpa 2:The Rule has released on 5th December. After record-breaking opening day with Rs 174.9 Cr it has already crossed Rs 265 Cr mark in Indian Box Office. On day 3 its expected to touch Rs 300 Cr. This is before the weekend. On weekend like Saturday and Sunday movies is expected to have high revenue which might cross Rs 100 Cr in a day.
Pushpa 2: The Rule Box Office Collection Day 3
As mentioned earlier it has already crossed Rs 265 Cr mark in just two days of releasing. Day 3 early trends show Rs 2.64 Cr but these figures will get updated and expected to cross Rs 100 Cr as the weekend rush. Also, you will be surprised to know thatthe Total Worldwide Box Office Collection has already crossed Rs 400 Cr.
Day-wise Box Office Collection Report
Day 0 – Rs 10.65 Cr (Pre-Release)
Day 1 – Rs 164.25 Cr
Day 2 – Rs 90.10 Cr
Day 3 – Rs 2.64 Cr (Early Trends)
Cast & Budget
In this film Allu Arjun can be seen as Pushpa Raj, and Rashmika Mandana is acting as Srivalli. Fahadh Faasil is playing the role of SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat as Main villain. Apart from these stars Jagapathi Baby, Dhananjaya, Rao Ramesh, Sreelela, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Sunil can be seen in the movie.
As Pushpa 1 was a superhit Pushpa 2 had a high budget. Reports say the movie is made with a budget of Rs 400 to Rs 500 Cr. Out of which Allu Arjun took Rs 300 as his acting fees.
Pushpa 2: The Rule Review & Ratings
Pushpa 2 is a sequel of Pushpa so it started where the first part ended. The rivalry between Pushpa Raj and SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat increased to another level. Critics say the film is a good mix of emotion, action, and compelling cinematic experience.
On Etimes the movie got a rating of 3.5 out of 5. India Today also rated the movie 3 out of 5. On Book My Show it managed to get an 8.5 rating out of 10 and on the movie rating site IMDb it has a 6.8 rating out to 10.