Fact Checking Policy

Fact Checking Policy

Newz Short is extremely cautious in the information we supply to our customers. We use the highest level of diligence and care to provide accurate information to our customers. Our content is subject to various quality checks that ensure the accuracy of the information given to the users. We believe that we feed want to inform you of the care and precautions we take to ensure that our content is accurate. our content.

This is covered by our Fact-Checking Policy. We ensure that we are 100% accurate in our content. For any platform that is journalistic the trust of the audience is the most crucial aspect. The trust of the audience can only be built and maintained on the basis of truthful, fair and fair reporting. It is crucial that We keep striving for the highest level of accuracy in all our content, to the greatest extent that is feasible.

Our definition of “due precision’ means that it does not mean only meeting the required standard, but also in the fundamental. The subject and the type of information provided and what the audience expects from the viewers etc. are also considered by Us to ensure accuracy. We aim to provide the most precise information that is confirmed by the direct individuals who have the responsibility for the news in every news item. We scrutinize the claims with scepticism, ask questions about beliefs, and question the conventional knowledge. We recognize the existence of uncertainties that will never go away despite our best efforts to find a solution. But, the rigour needed to verify the facts in hard and soft news stories is different.

For instance, the sources needed to be positive for a story about the work of an NGO work will differ from an investigative report. We follow the guidelines in the following paragraphs to ensure that we are accurate in our content. We make sure that every story media coverage by Us originates from a trusted source that is backed by concrete and verified evidence. In the absence of reliable sources, We are required to attribute stories to the platform the source. We will attempt to verify any claims, claims or information that is which are reported to the authorities of public administration or to someone else who we believe is more than providing an account of the truthfulness of the story. This is why we make clear any allegations or claims we are not able to verify. We stand behind the information we publish and believe it to be true.

If it’s proven otherwise, we modify the information or news item in the shortest time possible and ensure that we promptly inform our readers of any changes made to the news item or information. We realize that our readers’ trust in us is essential. So, it is our goal to not intentionally mislead anyone, and that we do not modify any information or offer false information as factual. In addition, when significant factual errors are brought out, We openly acknowledge them and ensure that they are addressed in the shortest period of time in a transparent and appropriate way. We make sure that an equal opportunity is afforded to people to inform us of any mistakes or inaccuracies that appear on our Website through the “Suggest A Correction” segment that appears at the conclusion of reports that are published on our Website.

The foremost responsibility of Our journalists is to report, write, and fact-check the news/information/stories. The truth is that our stories are scrutinized on a variety of levels, including an extensive fact-checking process within the company where a thorough due diligence process is performed on each piece and is then scrutinized with one of our editors. It is important to note that the level of seniority of editors who conduct reviews of stories prior to their publication on the website is contingent upon various factors, including the degree of complexity and sensitivity of the subject matter and the demands of the time.

If there are allegations, we will make sure that we reach out to the parties concerned. Then, we independently check the details in question as well as the one that is provided to ensure the most exact outcome. Sources of Information for our content We gather information in the most precise way by following the following guidelines: verify each and every piece of information using at minimum two sources. If a single source is used, source the authenticity of the information source can be confirmed by the corroboration of the information being provided by the source. Seek out documentary evidence in all instances rather than relying on a source that is human.

In the event of a survey, It is our responsibility to disclose the manner in which the data was collected as well as which data were used. If there is a possibility that Our data are not leading to accurate data, we communicate the inconsistencies to people in the shortest possible moment. Our goal is to obtain exact information in the initial stage rather than making it public at first, and then afterwards in response to any doubts. Always try to get and discuss the information with those who are the recipients of the news or information. Be clear about the reason why a source should not identify when an anonymous source is employed, based on the specific circumstances and devise how to work with them to give readers the most complete information about them in order that readers are able to evaluate the source’s credibility.

Discuss information about sources with our editors so that they can (editors and reporters) evaluate whether the information is appropriate to usage and what manner it could be used in. The conversations between the editor and reporter should be recorded in anonymous quotes. Engage in brief discussions with sources about how you can make use of the information they provide particularly when they don’t have a lot of experience dealing with the media. Make clear the expectations of a source for maintaining information “off the public record” or “on background” or other types of statuses since these terms may be different for different individuals. Allow people to express their opinions on reports that portray them in a negative way and to describe to readers the effort that we put into seeking an answer in situations where sources don’t respond. Make sure to seek out sources that lack access to public platforms, and also the sources that are powerful and influential. A senior source or the person responsible for the newsroom of The Logical Indian can always be sought out in the event that you are in a bind or cannot make a choice on your own in order to prevent the wrong information from being shown to the audience.