Maggi Prices will hike from 1st jan 2025
Partha Sarathi Manna
Partha Sarathi Manna


Bad news for Maggi Lovers! Its about get Expensive, How much new Maggi will cost you?

One of the most popular food of India is ‘Maggi’. From 8 years to 80 years everyone loves to eat maggie. It is easy to make and tastes good also. In past decades many have survived with maggi only. If you get hungry and need something to eat in few minutes, maggi is there for you. But recently there is a big news coming ralted to Maggi.

Maggi Prices are expected to be Hiked Soon!

Maggie has been favourite choice for fast food because of two reasons. First one is because of the ease of cooking, and the second one is the low price. But recently it has came in news that maggi prices could be increased. This is surely a disappointing news for all maggi lovers out there. Currently single maggie packets costs Rs 7 and Rs 14, how much will it increase?

Reason for Price Hike

As the news of Maggi price rise came out everyone is wondering why is this happening? and when will it happen? new prices are expected to be implemented from 1st January 2025. It is said that this hike is due to a recent event where India is not ‘Most Favored Nation’ anymore for Switzerland. The court ruled against Nestle, resulting in increased tax rates on Indian companies who are operating in Switzerland.

As India lost ‘MFN’ status the cost of making and transporting maggi will rise due to tax burdens. Not only Maggi but other Nestle products like Kitkat, Baby Food, and Ice Cream prices will also rise because of this situation.

How much Maggi’s price will be hiked?

No official statement has been made till now about how much prices will rise. But after losing MFN status companies will have to pay 5% more tax. This means extra tax will decrease the profit of the company. So at least a 5% price hike can be expected.

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna is a Science graduate from the University of Calcutta with an advanced multimedia degree from Ramakrishna Mission. He has over four years of journalism experience, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and travel. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and web series and exploring new places. Contact: [email protected].