Government of India cancels 5.8 Crore Ration Cards
Partha Sarathi Manna
Partha Sarathi Manna


5.8 Crore Ration Cards Cancelled! Are you one of them? Check before its late

Indian Government has started many schemes to support poor and lower middle-class people. One of those scheme is the Free Ration scheme. Which provides free grains to more than 80 crores of people in India every month. Depending on the ration card type a person can get free rice, wheat, and sugar from fair price shops.

Scams in Free Ration Scheme

Although the government is trying to feed more and more needy people, many reports suggest scams with fake ration cards. In many states, food grains are vanishing in the name of fake ration card holders. This is why the government has decided to come up with a big step.

5.8 Crore Rations Cards Cancelled

Recently Government of India has decided to permanently cancel 5.8 Crore ration cards. If you are one of them then you won’t be able to receive free ration items from this month. So, before going to bring ration check whether your ration card is still valid or not.

Why Ration Cards are Cancelled?

To prevent fake ration card holders The Union Food Ministry has taken a few steps. One of them is to mandate e-KYC for every Ration Card holder. Already notices were issued to people to link their Ration Card with Aadhar Card. Failing to comply with this will result in the cancellation of ration cards. Even after this notice and extending deadlines two to three times, many people haven’t done their e-KYC. this is the reason for the 5.8 Crore Ration Cards being canceled.

e-KYC for Ration Cards

As per The Union Food Ministry e-KYC for ration cards are mandatory now. So if you haven’t completed your KYC, then you should do it immediately. The last date to do this is set on 31st December 2025. Failing to do so will result in your ration card being suspended.

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna is a Science graduate from the University of Calcutta with an advanced multimedia degree from Ramakrishna Mission. He has over four years of journalism experience, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and travel. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and web series and exploring new places. Contact: [email protected].