Aadhar Card Home Service by UIDAI
Partha Sarathi Manna
Partha Sarathi Manna


Can you Update Aadhar Card Photo Online? See UIDAI Rules for Upgradation

Nowadays Aadhar Card is necessary for almost everything. From LPG Cylinder booking to receiving government scheme benefits aadhar card is needed for everything. Not only an identification card but Aadhar card is a vital document. This is why updating Aadhar Card is essential. Many people need to update their photos. How to do that? Can you do it online?

Updating Aadhar Card Photo

If you haven’t updated your Aadhar Card in the last 10 years or your childhood picture is not changed even once. Then you should update your aadhar card for both biometrics and photos. How to do that? let’s find out.

Can we update Aadhar Photo Online?

As of now, UIDAI does not allow users to update Aadhar Card photos online. You need to visit the offline aadhar center to update your photo. This service is also chargeable. You need to pay Rs 100 for photo upgrade.

How to change Aadhar Card Photo?

  1. To update Aadhar Card photo you need to visit UIDAI website first. Then find the form for correction.
  2. Once you get the form and download it. After downloading fill up the form with the right information and submit it to the nearest aadhar center.
  3. After you submit the form your Biometric and iris will be scanned and a new photo will be taken. This photo will be your new aadhar card photo.

Once new photo update process is done and submitted to UIDAI it can take up to 30 to 90 days to take effect. After a successful photo change, you can download eaadhar from UIDAI website and use it wherever necessary.

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna is a Science graduate from the University of Calcutta with an advanced multimedia degree from Ramakrishna Mission. He has over four years of journalism experience, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and travel. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and web series and exploring new places. Contact: [email protected].