Indian Post Office Invest Schemes with High Interest Rates for good returns
Partha Sarathi Manna
Partha Sarathi Manna


Risk Free Returns of 8.2%! Top 5 Post Office Schemes you can start investing Today

Now a day everyone understands the need to save money for the future. If you are willing to start investing, then the Indian Post Office has some great schemes to invest in. Especially for women, there are high-interest schemes. Today we will discuss about 5 such schemes, which can give more returns than traditional banks.

Mahila Samman Savings Certificate

This is a special zero-risk scheme for Women by the Indian Post Office. If you invest in this scheme you can get 7.5% interest. Women of any age can invest in this scheme and withdraw 40% of their invested amount if needed after the first year.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

This scheme is started by the Indian Government to ensure the security of Girl child’s future. Any parents can open Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account for their girl child before 10 year. Int this scheme you can get a high interest rate of 8.2%. This will mature after the girl became 21 years of age. You can invest minimum Rs 500 and maximum Rs 1,50,000 in this scheme per year, which is totally tax free under Secton 80C.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme

Another great investment option is the post office monthly income scheme. If you invest in this scheme, you will get a 7.4% interest rate, which is more than standard fixed deposit interest rates. You can start investing in the scheme with Rs 1000. But if you can make a lumpsum investment at the start, you can enjoy a good monthly income.

PPF Scheme

Just like the EPF post office offers the Public Provident Fund or PPF. This is a long-term investment plan where you can start investing with as low as Rs 500. All money deposited in these accounts will get an annual interest of 7.1%. So, If you keep investing till 60 years of age you can get a handsome amount in return.

National Savings Certificate

One of the oldest and safest investment schemes is the NSC or National Savings Certificate. You can start investing in this scheme from Rs 100. It will get an annual interest of 7.5%. But remember this scheme will mature after 5 years.

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna is a Science graduate from the University of Calcutta with an advanced multimedia degree from Ramakrishna Mission. He has over four years of journalism experience, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and travel. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and web series and exploring new places. Contact: [email protected].