Weather Forecast by IMD some Rain Forecast in some states and some will see drop in temperatures
Partha Sarathi Manna
Partha Sarathi Manna


Weather Update: Snowfall in hills and Heavy Rain Alert in these states

As winter falls over the nation India’s weather changes rapidly. Temperatures started to fall in Delhi NCR and neighboring areas dense fog appeared all over the city. Northern States will have more chills says Indian Meteorological Department.

Chances of Rain in These States

Even though temperatures are dropping and winter is coming, some states will see rainfall. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have rain warnings during 17th to 18th November. On the other side hill stations will have a significant drop in temperatures resulting in a snow fall. This could be a great experience for tourists. Light to moderate raining is expected in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Some light rain is also expected in Andaman Nicobar Islands in the upcoming week.

Dense Fog Warning

In the upcoming few days Central, North-Western, and Eastern parts of India will see a drop in temperatures by at least 2-3 degrees says weather department. IMD also warns about dense fog in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Bihar.

West Bengal Weather

After a long wait winter has also entered in west bengal. As the weather department stated earlier temperatures started to drop after November 14th. Kolkata recorded the lowest temperature of 19 degrees and some districts of west bengal like Birbhum, Murshidabad, Nadia, and Purba Medinipur are getting colder each day. Dense fog can be seen in the dawn but as the sun rises sky becomes clear. No warning for rain is given for West Bengal.

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna

Partha Sarathi Manna is a Science graduate from the University of Calcutta with an advanced multimedia degree from Ramakrishna Mission. He has over four years of journalism experience, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and travel. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and web series and exploring new places. Contact: [email protected].